
(last updated October 1, 2022) respects the intellectual property rights and copyright (where applicable) of the vendors whose products we display.

  • The product and vendor information and content displayed by are the sole intellectual property of their respective intellectual property rights and/or copyright holders.
  • This information and content may include (but is not limited to):
    • company trademarks, service marks, and logos;
    • product information, such as titles, images, text descriptions, product variants, pricing information, and tags;
  • The aforementioned information and content are obtained by and featured on the website only with the express permission of the respective vendor and/or copyright holder(s) for NON-COMMERCIAL USE, given exclusively via proper, verifiable channels such as official company email addresses or phone numbers. Information and content may be abridged, but not altered.
  • Outside of personal use as described in the Terms of Use, any use of the aforementioned information and/or content without the express permission of the respective vendor and/or copyright holder(s) is prohibited.
  • The information and content that uses are obtained solely in good faith from publicly available sources. Nevertheless, takes stringent measures to protect any product or vendor information, content, or data that may be stored from being accessed by unauthorized parties.
  • Vendors who have consented to having their intellectual property featured on may elect to rescind this consent for any reason (or for no reason) at any point in time and have their information and content fully removed from within 28 business days. Any vendor and/or rightful copyright holder who wishes to do so shall notify's administrator of their request via the email address provided below.
  •'s intellectual property rights policy regarding vendor/third-party information and content is subject to change at any time at our sole discretion. Updates and changes to this policy shall be reflected in the “Last updated” date on this page. shall make efforts to update consenting vendors and/or copyright holder(s) if such changes are carried out, within a reasonable timeframe and via official channels.
  • For further information, namely information regarding's intellectual property policy covering any part of the website which is not considered vendor/third-party information or content as described above, please see section 2 (Intellectual Property Rights) of's Terms of Use.
  • For questions regarding the above information, as well as inquiries regarding expression of interest in giving or rescinding consent to have vendor information and content displayed by, please do not hesitate to contact us at


Many thanks to the photographers whose images are featured on the site's homepage:

  1. Drew Jemmett
  2. Sergey Norkov
  3. Eva Bronzini

The fonts and icons used on were courteously provided by Google Fonts.